Test ideas and find solutions within a week with a Design Sprint

Test ideas and find solutions within a week with a Design Sprint
About a year ago, I was having a drink with my dearest friend Cata de Leon Belloc (designer at Feedly and founder of Purple Bunny), and I told her how frustrated I felt about some of our projects running on old, standardized design models instead of the real users' expectations. She recommended two books: "Change by Design" by Tim Brown and “Sprint” by Jake Knapp. She was so on point, that was the turning point for me. After doing lots of reading, I took an intensive course on Design Sprint by the agency AJ&Smart and became a DS facilitator.

The first sprint that I coordinated was for a health coaching project called Pranamamas. I was amazed by the reaction of the participants during each exercise. They were kind of lost and eceptic at the beginning but as the time passed by, they started to have realisations and speak out their fears, concerns, expectations and true goals. Now, after having more successful experiences, I can honestly say that design sprints are game changers for both clients, users and for us as an agency.

But first things first, what is a design sprint?

A design sprint is a collaborative method used to solve complex problems in a short timeframe. A small team works together and comes to a solution throughout co-creation, rapid prototyping, and testing with targeted users.

How does a design sprint work?

The big idea with the design sprint is to build and test a prototype in just five days (!). On Day 1, you create a map of the problem. On Day 2, each individual sketches solutions. Then, on Day 3, you decide which sketches are the strongest. On Day 4, you build a realistic prototype. And finally, on Day 5, you test that prototype with target customers.

A design sprint is a shortcut for precious data. It means fast-forwarding into the future to see your product and test your customer reactions before you invest significant time and money in building the finished product.

What’s the story behind the sprint?

Jake Knapp created the Design Sprint process at Google in 2010, working to figure out the best use of everyone’s time. Since then, Google Ventures has been providing this workshop to thousands of companies such as Airbnb, Slack, KLM and the British Museum.

“Longer hours don't equal better results. By getting the right people together, structuring the activities, and eliminating distraction, we've found that it's possible to make rapid progress while working a reasonable schedule”, says Jake Knapp in this book Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days.

What results can you expect from a design sprint?

Business who tried Design Sprints have said to:

  1. Get feedback fast, without building a product.
  2. Build alignment around key strategic challenges.
  3. Unlock ideas in the organisation.
  4. Prepare for the future of work.

At Pasimedia, we’ve been hosting Design Sprints for our clients who face different challenges such as rebranding, a new product launch or a new user journey. Have a read through our clients’ testimonials.

Contact us to learn more! We’d love to meet and plan the right design sprint for your business.